Saturday, February 8, 2025
2.4 C

Mayor of Gedling gears up for charity bike challenge


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A civic leader will swap her ceremonial chain for a bike chain to take part in an energetic fundraiser.

Mayor of Gedling, Cllr Viv McCrossen is to cycle 170 miles from Bridlington to Morecambe to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

Mayor McCrossen will be travelling with her consort Ron McCrossen and daughter Georgina on this epic journey from coast to coast, also known as the Way of the Roses route. The route will see the team pass through the historic towns of York and Lancaster, and lesser known gems such as Settle, Pateley Bridge and Ripon.

Cllr McCrossen was sworn in as the Mayor of Gedling in a special ceremony in the Council Chamber back in May.

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Anyone who wants to sponsor her can do so by emailing or by phone 0115 901 3944.

People can also follow Councillor McCrossen’s journey through her official Mayoral twitter account @viv_mccrossen.

The Mayor of Gedling, Councillor Viv McCrossen said: “For this challenge I won’t be wearing the yellow jersey or my mayoral robes and the only chain will be on my bike but I’m determined to complete this 170 mile ride and with the help of the great people of Gedling I hope to raise lots of money for my charity Motor Neurone Disease Association so please support me any way you can.”

The Mayor’s chosen charity Motor Neurone Disease Association is the only national charity in England, Wales and Northern Ireland focused on improving access to Motor Neurone Disease care, research and campaigning.

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