Saturday, February 8, 2025
2.4 C

Man bailed as investigation into death of Netherfield woman continues


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A man arrested on suspicion of murdering a woman from Netherfield has today been released on police bail.

The 38-year old was arrested yesterday as part of an investigation into the death of Jennifer Blackwell.

Her body was yesterday exhumed  following a review, in consultation with HM Coroner and the family, as part of an investigation to establish the cause of the 43-year-old who lived on Norman Street in the town.

PICTURED: Jennifer Blackwell

Investigators are continuing their work to learn what they can about the circumstances surrounding Jennifer’s death.

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A spokesman for Nottinghamshire Police said: “Jennifer’s family are being supported throughout this extremely distressing time and have requested privacy as I’m sure you can understand.

“They are very supportive of the work we are doing and we are accommodating their wishes as part of the very sensitive task at hand.”

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