The Lambley Village Show is set to take place on Saturday, September 7 from 11.30 to 4 pm at Lambley Village Hall and field on Catfoot Lane, Lambley.
There will be a dance demonstration by Brittany’s School of Dance at 12 noon, The Landlubbers of Lambley singing at 12.30 pm, a dog show from 12.45 pm and tug of war competition at 1.30 pm.
A scarecrow competition is also taking place throughout the village, and there will be a horticultural, craft, cookery and children’s show in the village hall.
Also on the field will be charity, craft and food stalls and a small fun fair area.
A bar will be open and music throughout the day. Lambley WI will be providing breakfast cobs, teas, coffees and delicious cakes from 9am onwards.
The show is being sponsored by Nottingham Care Village and Reflex Pack Plus.
All raffle proceeds will also be match funded by Barclays Bank up-to a maximum of £1000 and an auction of show produce and donated items and services will be held at 3.30 pm.
All proceeds from the show goes to Lambley Village projects.
For further enquiries about the show, please email