Plans to create a house of multiple occupancy and convert a former garage into a nursery are among the planning applications that have been made this week across Gedling borough
Every week dozens of planning applications are submitted to the council – and the coronavirus pandemic has not changed that.
Here is the list of applications that have been submitted and validated by Gedling Borough Council in the last week.
Visit the council site HERE the links below to find out more and to have your say…
Erection of a two-storey side extension, store room and front porch
15 Kilvington Road Arnold Nottinghamshire NG5 7HQ
Ref. No: 2020/1075
Two storey side extension and internal alterations
66 Castleton Avenue Arnold NG5 6NJ
Ref. No: 2020/1064
Burton Joyce
Change of use from storage building to dwelling
Stockhill Farm, The Stables Bridle Road Burton Joyce NG14 5FR
Ref. No: 2020/1084
Single storey rear extension (4.18 metres in depth and 2.85 metres in height) along with associated internal and external alterations.
8 Loxley Meadow Burton Joyce Nottinghamshire NG14 5ET
Ref. No: 2020/1104PN
Sweet Chestnut – Fell
16 St Helens Grove Burton Joyce Nottinghamshire NG14 5AP
Ref. No: 2020/0962TPO
Remove four ash trees (1, 2, 3, and 5); crown lift/pollard three ash trees (4, 6 and 7).
177 Main Street Calverton NG14 6FE
Ref. No: 2020/1092TCA
Two storey rear extension and single storey side and rear extensions
2 Hollinwood Lane Calverton Nottinghamshire NG14 6NR
Ref. No: 2020/1097
Change of use of retail unit into residential (House in Multiple Occupation for 6 people) and alterations to front elevation
163 Burton Road Carlton NG4 2QF
Ref. No: 2020/1125
Retention of timber lean-to single storey side extension
95 First Avenue Carlton NG4 1PH
Ref. No: 2020/1071
Erection of a two storey side; single storey rear extension, rear roof terrace and addition of a rear facing roof dormer.
72 Southdale Drive Carlton NG4 1BZ
Ref. No: 2020/1049
Use of summerhouse for occasional dog grooming
5 Onchan Avenue Carlton NG4 1DD
Ref. No: 2020/1025
Proposed two storey rear extension and decking area
6 Coningswath Road Carlton Nottinghamshire NG4 3SH
Ref. No: 2020/0907
1no. Lime tree – remove epicormic regrowth to create crown lift. Pollard all branches leaving main stems from base to tip approximately 5 metres
Olive House Highclere Drive Carlton Nottinghamshire NG4 3DJ
Ref. No: 2020/0738TPO
Retention of a 2.06m high fence adjacent to highway
131 Coronation Walk Gedling NG4 4AR
Ref. No: 2020/1081
T1 Beech: reduce crown on property side by approximately 2-3m or suitable growth points protruding towards balcony of property; G1 group of 12 Limes bordering driveway: reduce height by approximately 5-8m or suitable growth points
Linby House, Linby Lane, Linby Nottinghamshire
Ref. No: 2020/1094TPO
Proposed Detached Garage
The Limes Main Street Linby NG15 8AE
Ref. No: 2020/0935
Single storey side and rear extension
4 Lambley Avenue Mapperley NG3 6DW
Ref. No: 2020/1117
Lawful Development Certificate as C3 dwellinghouse (re-submission of 2020/0756)
32 Axmouth Drive Mapperley NG3 5SX
Ref. No: 2020/1116
Conversion of garage to increase nursery capacity by 12 child places (from 42 to 54)
384 Westdale Lane West Mapperley NG3 6ES
Ref. No: 2020/1100
Proposed rear single storey extension
98 Main Road Ravenshead NG15 9GW
Ref. No: 2020/1090
Single storey front extension to the western side of the dwelling to create a sun room and a front and side extension to the eastern side of the dwelling with the creation of a balcony above, along with changes to fenestration detail and application of render and timber cladding to the dwelling
Wildacre 5 Haggnook Wood Ravenshead NG15 9HE
Ref. No: 2020/1086
Fell 1no. Silver Birch
Newstead Abbey Park, Brackenwood Nottingham Road Ravenshead NG15 8GD
Ref. No: 2020/1069TPO
Proposed first floor extension over the existing bungalow, two storey extensions to the front, side and rear of the dwelling and the application of render and stone/slate cladding to the property.
16 Old Manor Close Woodborough NG14 6DJ
Ref. No: 2020/1098
T1 Copper Beech – reduce by a third
The Farm House Bank Hill Farm Bank Hill Woodborough Nottinghamshire NG14 6EF
Ref. No: 2020/1113TPO
Crown reduction (T1) to sycamore tree to reduce height by approx 6 metres
Stables To North Of Bank Hill Farm Bank Hill Woodborough Nottinghamshire
Ref. No: 2020/1088TCA
And still no application to knock donw the hole of Nevo. Can I submit one. HA!