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Have say on latest planning applications received by Gedling Borough Council



Rear ground floor extension (Ref. No: 2018/0204PN)

11 Astle Court Arnold Nottinghamshire NG5 6RU

Rear extension (Ref. No: 2018/0210PN )

13 Laneham Avenue Arnold Nottinghamshire NG5 7LB

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Variation of Conditions in respect of planning approval 2017/0826 relating materials and landscaping (erection of 3 bedroomed two storied detached house) (Ref. No: 2018/0156 )

The School House 323 Gedling Road Arnold Nottinghamshire NG5 6NZ

Single storey extension to the rear of the property and side extension (Ref. No: 2018/0121)

2 Birchfield Road Arnold NG5 8BL

Erect a 24′ x 9′ leg jack cabin, to the side of an existing building (Ref. No: 2018/0060)

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Sherwood Lodge Sherwood Lodge Drive Arnold NG5 8PP

Burton Joyce

Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of new dwelling (Ref. No: 2018/0199)

122 Main Street Burton Joyce Nottinghamshire NG14 5EP

Rear single storey extension (Ref. No: 2018/0216)

30 Bulcote Drive Burton Joyce Nottinghamshire NG14 5AX

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Side & rear single and two storey extensions (Ref. No: 2018/0186)

10 Glen Road Burton Joyce Nottinghamshire NG14 5BQ


Construction of a swimming pool, hot tub and outbuilding (Ref. No: 2018/0170)

81 Crookdole Lane Calverton Nottinghamshire

Two-story side extension to dwelling and detached timber frame garage (Ref. No: 2018/0205)

4 Forestry Houses Rigg Lane Calverton NG15 9AJ


Section 73 application to vary Condition 2 (approved plans) on planning permission 2017/0528 to make changes to external appearance (Ref. No: 2018/0271)

Haddon Primary School Haddon Close Carlton Nottinghamshire NG4 4GT

Replacement conservatory to the rear (Ref. No: 2018/0266)

47 Gedling Road Carlton Nottinghamshire NG4 3FD

Erection of illuminated signage (Ref. No: 2018/0226)

1A Standhill Road Carlton NG4 1JL

Single storey extensions to rear and side and external alterations to dwelling  (Ref. No: 2018/0200)

97 Westdale Lane East Carlton NG4 3NX

Proposed 2-storey rear and side extension and single storey rear extension (Ref. No: 2018/0176)  

141 Standhill Road Carlton NG4 1JT


Removal of existing single storey rear conservatory, replace with a single storey side and rear extension (Ref. No: 2018/0106)

42 Stoke Lane Gedling Nottinghamshire NG4 2QP

Change of use from shop and living accommodation to 2 No. flats (Ref. No: 2018/0054)

4 And Coronation Stores Coronation Walk Gedling Nottinghamshire NG4 4AQ

Single storey extension to the side of property (Ref. No: 2017/1557)

69 Shelford Road Gedling Nottinghamshire NG4 4JB


Substitution of house type – previous application reference 2015/0818 – Erection of Class C3 Residential Dwelling  (Ref. No: 2018/0122)

Woodsend Nottingham Road Lambley NG14 6EG

Single storey front and side extension (Ref. No: 2018/0175)

24 Main Street Lambley NG4 4PN

Section 73 application to vary Condition 2 attached to planning permission 2016/0572 with respect to Plot 1 (to increase the size and design of the garage) and Plot 3 (to insert 2 No. dormer windows to the north elevation) (Ref. No: 2018/0197)

Land North Of The Lambley Catfoot Lane Lambley Nottinghamshire



Erect 2.43m high green Nylofor fencing in 2 sections – 27m adjacent to Quarry Lane. 16.8m adjacent to field (Ref. No: 2018/0153)

Linby Cum Papplewick Church Of England School Quarry Lane Linby NG15 8GA


Fell two Sycamore Trees (T1 and T2) (Ref. No: 2018/0256TPO)

400 Westdale Lane West Mapperley Nottinghamshire NG3 6DG


Works to trees (Ref. No: 2018/0263TPO) 

Tinkers Thatch Newstead Abbey Park Nottingham Road Ravenshead Nottinghamshire NG15 8GD

Change of Use – Retail Unit (A1) to Beauty Salon (Sui Generis) [AMENDED: Opening Hours Monday-Sunday 08:00 – 19:00]  (Ref. No: 2018/0260)

8 Milton Court Ravenshead Nottinghamshire NG15 9BD

Replacement Dwelling (Ref. No: 2018/0194)

Ravenshead Wood House Blidworth Waye Ravenshead NG15 8GB

Proposed conversion to form new dwelling and domestic outbuilding, including single storey extension to the front (south) of the new dwelling (Ref. No: 2018/0190)

Land South Of Ricket Lane Ravenshead Nottinghamshire

Rear two storey extension, new chimney, external render finish, replacement windows and doors and increase in roof pitch with dormers (Ref. No: 2018/0181) 

9 Chestnut Avenue Ravenshead Nottinghamshire NG15 9DN

Installation of vehicular crossing (Ref. No: 2018/0172)

Land Adjacent 51 Kirkby Road Ravenshead Nottinghamshire

Replacement rear extension with enlarged flat roofed single storey extension (Ref. No: 2018/0165PN)

4 Vernon Avenue Ravenshead Nottinghamshire NG15 9BJ


Work to Ash tree (Ref. No: 2018/0255TCA)

72 Main Street Woodborough Nottinghamshire NG14 6EA


Extend an existing single storey bedroom wing to create 4 additional en-suite bedrooms and the introduction of a fire escape staircase (Ref. No: 2018/0184)

4 Albemarle Road Woodthorpe Nottinghamshire NG5 4FE


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