Friday, February 7, 2025
3.4 C

Speeding drivers dealt with during road safety crackdown in Burton Joyce and Ravenshead


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A proactive operation across Burton Joyce and Ravenshead targeting those who flout road safety laws has seen a driver arrested and others reported after being caught for traffic offences.

The road safety crackdown involved Gedling’s dedicated Operation Reacher Team and Special Constables and was held in response to community concerns.

The operation, which took place on the A612 running through Burton Joyce and Main Road, Ravenshead, was the latest in a series of initiatives carried out across key areas of the Gedling borough.

A total of 10 vehicles were stopped during Saturday’s operation and the drivers were issued with traffic offence reports (TOR) meaning they could be asked to attend an educational programme, face a fine or be summoned to court.

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Nine reports were issued in Burton Joyce, with three given for speeding offences, three for not wearing a seat belt, two for using a mobile phone while driving and a further report was issued for using a vehicle without the correct insurance.

A report was issued on Main Road in Ravenshead for using a vehicle without insurance. The driver was also arrested on suspicion of drug driving offences and their vehicle was seized. The driver has since been released under investigation.

Other recent operations conducted by Gedling Special Constables, resulting in action being taken against offending motorists, have taken place on the A60 Mansfield Road at Redhill, Carlton Hill at Carlton and Longdale Lane at Ravenshead.

Speeding motorists

Inspector Chris Pearson, Neighbourhood Policing Inspector responsible for local policing in the Gedling borough area, said: “The Special Constables will continue to work together with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Operation Reacher and our partners in order to respond to community concerns about road safety and speeding.

“Speeding is one of the local policing priorities we are tackling, based on feedback from members of the public, and more operations are planned as we continue to address their concerns.

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“Excessive speed is identified as one of the ‘Fatal Four’ main causes of collisions resulting in fatal or serious injury.

“The careless and dangerous actions of one motorist can have devastating effects on the lives of others.

“We’re urging motorists to travel within the speed limit, pay attention and take care at all times and to ensure their vehicles are in good condition and winter-ready before heading out on to the roads.

”Saturday’s activity is just another example of how the force’s Operation Reacher team is responding to priority issues raised by the public.

“The new officers, in a team of seven, are being used to react quickly to community concerns, increase the pressure on local criminal networks and build confidence in local communities.

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“They will continue to react dynamically to community concerns and build trust and confidence that the police will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with residents to make our communities safer.”

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  1. Here are the facts according to the news report:
    ‘A proactive operation across Burton Joyce and Ravenshead targeting those who flout road safety laws…’

    ‘A total of 10 vehicles were stopped during Saturday’s operation and the drivers were issued with traffic offence reports (TOR) meaning they could be asked to attend an educational programme, face a fine or be summoned to court.’

    So 10 vehicles were stopped, I assume for unsafe driving, and the drivers told that they COULD face a consequence for their behaviour on the road. Assuming that some were stopped because they were in some way breaking the law, by say speeding, something identified in the article by the police as a major factor in fatalities on the road, then they were given a piece of paper which probably means they will attend a speed awareness course or at worse pay a paltry fine which doesn’t even cover the coffee bill for the time taken by those processing it, let alone redress their behaviour. Now, as none of them were said to be driving illegally without a license, (one driver was uninsured), I again assume that they have had a series of lessons and passed a test which means that at one time they obeyed the law in order for them to pass this, and therefore demonstrated that they understood the driving rules and the consequences for not doing so – a ban or points on their license. I appreciate the law isn’t always black and white, one driver may have only been travelling a matter of 2mph above the speed limit, but this is quite rare in my experience. Most poor driving is an intentional habit, there are people who use cars aggressively and drive without any regard for the safety of others. Why then are they let off so lightly?

    I’m going shopping later. I might just walk out of the shop without paying, laden with food. Imagine if the same logic was applied. A police officer approaches me to say I’ve broken the law, here’s a piece of paper which says I must attend a stealing awareness course, or, at a later date, a court hearing. I’ve not really taken anything very expensive and no-one was killed by my bulky bags on this occasion. I know it’s not the most watertight argument, I know that the law is very complex and it’s impossible to have ‘one size fits all’ legislation, life and human behaviour is too complex and irrational for that. I just get frustrated by the laws around dangerous driving. The consequences are usually very bad. Cars can be compared to loaded guns. Why doesn’t the law take this seriously? I feel most for the police who have to routinely witness and deal with idiots in cars who often put officers lives at risk.

    The pointless exercise carried out in Gedling by the police, (on behalf of the incompetent buffoons who make the laws), illustrates perfectly just why there are so many instances of poor driving, which sadly, sometimes result in death. To summarise, there are no real consequences for dangerous driving and the habitual flouting of the law. Let’s face it, most people who actually cause and are convicted of death by dangerous driving often don’t even receive a custodial sentence. No one really cares, the government, the courts and least of all the perpetrators themselves. If however, they were fined five hundred pounds on the spot, (get your debit/credit card out), their license and car taken, (and stored at their expense), banned from driving for six months and made to retake and pay for an advanced driving test , which they would have to continue taking until they pass with a mark above %80), then maybe it would make some of them think. At least there would be some tangible consequence and the potential for safer roads for half a year at least.

  2. 95% of vehicles are speeding on Southdale road carlton, even though a maximum 20mph limit in force. There is an electronic sign indicating the maximum speed. Also there is a school access from this road, a speed check would reduce this, perhaps a fine would make these idiots think again.

  3. Main road Ravenshead is bad but generally worse in the evenings, other bad roads for speeding are the A60, chapel lane, Summercourt Drive, Church Drive and Longdale Lane. I may be showing my age but when I was a lad we would have been pulled over if we had the loud exhausts we hear a lot of today

  4. can we have this done on burton road after the traffic lights, they take the corner after highclere drive like its brands hatch,


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