Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Gedling police team carry out drugs raid in Bestwood


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Police have carried out two warrants in Bestwood to tackle drugs supply.

The enforcement action took place in Aidan Gardens today (5 May) as part of Nottinghamshire Police’s ongoing commitment to tackling the production and supply of drugs across the county.

As this footage shows, a large police presence arrived in the area to carry out the warrants on two addresses in the same street. Tactical support vans and police cars arrived in the area before officers visited the houses.

Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for the area, Chris Pearson, said: “I hope activity like this shows that for us, it’s business as usual and we’re still getting stuck in to proactive police work despite the lockdown.

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“If anything, people who are dealing drugs are standing out more at the moment – and we’re doing what we can to put them out of business.

“The community is wanting to tell us more and more about drugs supply. It’s a priority for local people and it’s information that we always act on, whether that’s straight away or we have to do work behind the scenes first.

“Drugs are often the root of other crimes and so the impact they have on an area can be huge. That’s why Nottinghamshire Police is committed to tackling drugs supply and work like today’s warrants is continuing during the coronavirus outbreak.

“I urge local people to continue to tell us about their concerns and pass on any information they may have about drug dealing in their area. I can assure you that something will be done about it.”

No one was arrested as a result of the warrants but a substance was seized for testing.

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Nottinghamshire Police’s Neighbourhood Team for Gedling, Operational Support and Neighbourhood Search Units were all involved in the enforcement action.

Spotted something? Got a story? Email our newsdesk news@gedlingeye.co.uk

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