A planning application from Mr. D Hayer of 314 Spring Lane, Lambley, Nottinghamshire, NG3 5RQ for the proposed Conversion of existing Buildings to three no. holiday lets at the same address has been granted conditional approval by Gedling planners.
A design and access statement prepared by Reform Architecture and Interior Design Ltd in support of the full planning application states that the plans are to renovate the existing dilapidated outbuildings and create three modern self-contained holiday lets, complete with an ancillary store building.
The site layout is expected to remain largely unaltered with an access road off Spring Lane serving each unit and their designated parking spaces.
The design and access statement further states that the private driveway access runs parallel to the neighbouring property, 314 Spring Lane with a visibility splay having been checked at the site entrance, and that the entrance includes minor enlargement to cater for the first eight meters of the driveway being 5.8 meters wide.

The height and scale of the units are described as modest, with all three units comprising of single storey, rectangular forms with the siting of the existing units ensuring that the streetscape of Spring Lane will be unaffected.
A secure bike store has been provided as part of Unit D and a bin collection point has also been provided at the entrance.
A recommendation report recommending that the application should be approved dated May 20 and authorised by the Planning Delivery Manager / Principal Planning Officer states that ‘it is considered that the proposal does not have a detrimental impact on the openness of the Green Belt, the design of the proposal is considered acceptable and does not have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the area, the proposal does not have an unacceptable impact on the residential amenity of neighbouring properties, highway safety, biodiversity or flood risk.’
Costa Del Lambley