Friday, February 14, 2025
2.8 C

New £45,000 Holocaust Memorial Garden opens at Gedling Country Park

The memorial garden will commemorate the millions of people who lost their lives in the Holocaust and other genocide atrocities that followed across the world.


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A new £45,000 Holocaust memorial garden was yesterday (20) officially opened at Gedling Country Park.

The memorial garden will commemorate the millions of people who lost their lives in the Holocaust and other genocide atrocities that followed across the world.

The focal point of the memorial garden is a sculpture of a flame to represent the Holocaust Memorial, surrounded by a circular footpath, lined with cherry trees and native wildflowers, as well as several benches. The garden offers visitors a peaceful place to reflect and remember the millions of men, women and children murdered during the Holocaust.

The garden was opened by the Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor John Clarke and Deputy Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor Michael Payne who will be joined by members from the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation Synagogue.

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Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor John Clarke MBE said: “The duty to remember the victims of the Holocaust is an integral part of our shared history and humanity.

“By remembering those who lost their lives during this dark period in our history, we pay tribute to their memory and reaffirm our commitment to a world built on the principles of equality, justice, and respect for all people. Let us never forget the lessons of the Holocaust and work together to build a better future.”

Deputy leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor Michael Payne said: “No one should ever forget the horrors of the Holocaust – this permanent Holocaust Memorial in Gedling Country Park will ensure we always remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust and in all subsequent genocides around the world. This addition to Gedling Country Park will offer residents a quiet place to remember and reflect on these tragic atrocities.

Sadly, we still have many lessons to learn from history – it is the responsibility of all of us, to be the light in the darkness, ensuring atrocities like this can never happen again.

It is right that we pay tribute to all of those affected by the Holocaust by creating our own, permanent memorial, right here in Gedling Borough.”

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Gail Samson from the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation said: “We have been happy to support Gedling Borough Council with this very important and worthwhile project.”

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