Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

Morning raid with drug warrant in Gedling


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Police using a trained sniffer dog swooped on a house in Gedling to execute a drugs warrant.

The force’s Neighbourhood Support Unit, Gedling Operation Reacher Team, Dog section and local Neighbourhood Policing Team conducted the search of a house on Chestnut Grove in Gedling.

Police Sergeant Paul Ferguson, who led the operation, said: “Neighbourhood officers searched the property this morning, with support from the Operation Reacher Team, Neighbourhood Support Unit and the Dog Section.

“This is part of our ongoing work to tackle drugs in the area and show our commitment to reducing this type of crime, which we know can have a huge impact on our communities.

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“I would like to encourage local people to come forward with any information they may have about people growing or supplying drugs in their areas. By working together, we can make a real difference.

“Our investigations are ongoing and we will continue to do everything we can to make sure there’s nowhere to hide for those involved in drug crime in our area.”

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