Carlton le Willows Academy has announced plans to install CCTV cameras in its school toilets after “inappropriate” use and vandalism by pupils.
The school has now written to parents to explain why they have taken the decision to put in the cameras, which look over the top of toilet cubicles and onto the wash basins.
In a letter to parents, acting headteacher Rod Bond-Taylor said pupils deserve to have toilets free from damage and disruption.

In his letter to parents, he wrote:
“Having completed a number of student voice tasks, both prior to and as part of our most recent Ofsted inspection, and also through day-to-day learning walks and running of the Academy, it is clear that the single sex toilet spaces are not being used appropriately by some of our students.
“The inappropriate use of these spaces and significant damage caused has led to a significant minority of students unwilling to use the toilets during the school day. This cannot continue.

“To address the situation we are installing CCTV cameras in each of the single sex toilet spaces. These cameras will be strategically located so they look along the line of cubicles, along the top of the cubicles and along the line of sinks. They will not focus inside toilet cubicles when doors are shut or into the urinals in the boys’ toilets.
“These cameras, to be installed in January, will improve how we safeguard our students, reduce damage and vandalism and therefore make students feel more comfortable to use the facilities. They will also act as a deterrent to the minority of students whose behaviour and use of these spaces is unacceptable. They will be a temporary measure until the end of the academic year giving us time to achieve our longer-term goal, which is the repurposing and refurnishing of the existing single sex spaces into self-contained unisex toilets.”
One parent, who wished to remain anonymous, contacted Gedling Eye after receiving the letter.
They said they were concerned about the cameras, and questioned if they could be installed just outside the toilets instead.
“I’m very uncomfortable about it. I understand there has been vandalism in the school toilets, but it would be advisable to place the CCTV cameras in the corridor outside the toilets,” they said.
Another parent told us they agreed with the idea.
“You can’t see into the cubicles and the security is needed. If it stops bullying and damage being caused then I don’t see a problem.”
Accept that and you’ll accept anything. So glad I sent my daughters to Carlton Academy instead
I am glad. My daughter was attacked in the toilets at that shitty school and they could do nothing the school is vile
Pleased they’re being installed. Doesn’t invade privacy and means my son can actually go to the loo when he needs to now!
If a parent doesn’t like this school’s policy, I’m sure there are other schools they can send their kids to, or home school them I’d you think you can offer a better curriculum that results in qualifications.
Cameras being strategically placed inside the toilets will see those who decide vaping is cool, and allow a list of people to compiled if vulgar, misogynistic,
homophobic, racist, and bullying comments are written, or if some darling decides to urinate on the floor.
There is enough strain on school finances without having to repair toilets again and again. Go one stage further and charge the parents of the kids who vandalise your toilets, payment plans can be offered, and then you can direct your cash into supporting children’s education.
I wonder if London Teacher has seen Carlton Le WIllows’ latest OFSTED report. At the least the CCTV will help them find their missing pupils. As for the curriculum, well, OFSTED had a thing or two to say about that too. As the trustees and governers have been told they are failing, maybe things will be taken out of their hands soon enough.
Hello Kev, I did have a quick scan through the OFSTED report, but I decided to have a more detailed look and thought wow… it’s sad for everyone; the teachers, the parents, the community and of course the pupils who will most likely be from a disadvantaged background (though without the full data I can’t be 100% certain) who have lost education. It’s a crude metric, but as crime correlates with poverty and educational disadvantage it’s going to form a cycle that will repeat until someone or something takes control.
There’s always hope, until there isn’t :’(