The use of disposable face masks could cost Gedling borough residents more than £22 million, research has revealed.
With face masks now compulsory in an expanded list of indoor settings, experts are becoming concerned about the environmental impact of disposable plastic face masks.
Research from scientists at UCL revealed that if every person in Gedling borough wore a disposable mask each day for a year, collectively it would cost £22,376,661 and generate 118 tonnes of plastic waste.
Further research by revealed how much residents in the borough could save by going plastic-free.
The research showed that each resident could save £185.80 by switching to a reusable mask and also create an eco-saving of 1kg of plastic each year.
Nationwide, if every person in the UK used one single-use mask each day for a year, that would create 66,000 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste, UCL researchers believe.
It would also cost Brits more than £12bn in just 12 months.