Here are five stories that you may have missed in the last week on the Gedling Eye website.
Police have launched an appeal are appealing for information after cable was stolen from a solar farm at Gedling Country Park.
The incident took place in the early hours of Friday, August 28, 2020 in Spring Lane in Lambley.
Popular landlady Beccy Webster has spoken of her sadness to be leaving The Elwes Arms in Carlton but says ‘it’s for the right reasons’.
Beccy today (Monday, 7) revealed via a post on the pub’s Facebook page that she would be giving up as landlady after 15 years in charge.
A man is in hospital after reportedly being kidnapped last night by three men on the way back home from a pub in Woodthorpe.
It is reported that the men bundled the victim into a vehicle before beating him up.
The man had gone to the pub and was returning home, when he was approached by the men at around 10.10pm in Egerton Walk.
Gedling Borough Council leader Cllr John Clarke was one of eight council bosses in Nottinghamshire to have today expressed their opposition to Nottinghamshire County Council’s plan to set up a super council to cover all of Nottinghamshire outside of the city.Â