Sir James Bevan, the Environment Agency’s chief executive, was today shown the important work being done to combat illegal fishing and protect fish stocks at Stoke Bardolph.
Sir James took part in a patrol on the banks of the River Trent with the enforcement team to perform rod licence checks; he also visited Colwick Country Park to find out more about the successful spawning of salmon in the River Trent.
The EA chief also met with staff responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Colwick Sluices.
Sir James, who has been chief executive since 2015, was joined on the patrol of the area by representatives of key crime fighting partnerships in the region. These included Chief Inspector Andy Rooke, Head of Rural Crime in Nottingham and Chair of the East Midlands Rural Crime Group; Keith Griffiths, chair of the Protecting Countryside, Fisheries, Water and Wildlife Group (PCFWW), two Derbyshire Police Wildlife Officers and a bailiff for the Nottingham Federation of Anglers and Ashfield Angling Association.