Friday, February 14, 2025
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Dylan’s memory to live on as new bench is unveiled at Gedling Country Park


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A new bench is to be installed in a prominent Gedling borough beauty spot in memory of a popular young resident who sadly passed away from cancer.

A bench in the memory of Dylan Barker, who passed away aged just 20, will be installed opposite the children’s play area at Gedling County Park following donations from local residents.

The new bench will be unveiled for the first time after a short service by the Vicar of St Paul’s Church Of England Church in Carlton which is being held tomorrow (June 20) at 9.15am.

Dylan Barker won a Pride of Gedling Young Achiever Award which, after he passed away, was renamed the Dylan Barker Award in his memory.

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Dylan was described as someone who “captured the hearts of everyone he met” by Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor John Clarke.

The money to buy and install the bench was raised by Foxhill Court Residents Association who raised £1,200 through fundraising events and will be attending the ceremony on Thursday.

The Mayor of Gedling, Cllr Sandra Barnes, will be attending the event alongside members of Dylan’s family and friends and residents from Foxhill Court.

Cllr Gary Gregory, Portfolio Holder for Community Development, who helped organise the event said: “Dylan made a huge impact on everyone he met, he was a well-loved and brave young man, and this memorial bench, installed thanks to funds raised by the fantastic Foxhill Court Residents Association, is just one of the ways we will keep his memory alive.

“I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this happen. I’m sure the memorial is something Dylan’s family, friends and community will all be able to enjoy, and remember Dylan whenever they see it.”

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A spokesperson for the Foxhill Court Residents Association said: “We organise events each year to raise money for charities in the community and this year our local Councillor, Gary Gregory, asked if we would help raise money for a memorial for Dylan. 

“We held our most successful fundraiser to date with a table top sale, and we’re really pleased the money has gone on to help remember Dylan.”

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