A councillor is calling for a crossing to be installed near a school in Netherfield to improve safety for families on foot after learning a child was hit by a car.
Cllr Mike Adams represents Carlton East on Nottinghamshire County Council and was at Netherfield Primary School with Nottinghamshire Police to look out for dangerous parking on Chandos Street when he learnt of the accident that prompted him to start the petition.
Mr Adams said today’s visit was organised after he received complaints from parents about the irresponsible parking on the street near the school.
In a social media post, Cllr Adams wrote: “Thank you to Nottinghamshire Police this morning for their support at the school gates in Netherfield.
“Having received reports from both the school and local parents about some of the irresponsible parking on Chandos Street, action was needed.

“Notts Police came to support me in educating drivers on the right way to park when dropping off their children.
“This continues work they have been doing across Carlton East in supporting safer school times.
“It was a credit to local parents this morning for excellent parking, with only one driver who was spoken too and the great news is, we will be continuing it across the coming months in all of my five schools.
The five schools in his area are St John the Baptist in Colwick, Burton Joyce Primary in Burton Joyce, Carlton Le Willows in Gedling and Rivendell Flying High Primary on the Rivendell estate.
Cllr Adams said he will now campaign for a new crossing.
He posted: “I was saddened to learn today, from a parent on site about an incident where a child was knocked over outside by a vehicle fairly recently.
“I will now campaign for a crossing to aid in the safety of children accessing the school.
In the introduction to the new petition, Cllr Adams wrote: “This petition seeks to ensure the safety of our children by installing a raised pedestrian crossing on Chandos Street, a vital step that will curb the risk of such tragic accidents happening in the future.
“Based on traffic management studies, raised pedestrian crossings significantly reduce speeds, improving driver recognition of pedestrian crossings, thus enhancing safety. A raised crossing allows for better visibility of pedestrians to incoming traffic, offers psychological cues to drivers to slow down and yields particularly effective results in areas close to schools.
“By endorsing this petition, it will help me in my campaign and urgency by installing this raised pedestrian crossing on Chandos Street. Stand with me, in ensuring the safety of our children and the peace of mind for parents and our community.”
You can sign the petition here: https://chng.it/fmxMVsGRQg
If you have any issues about road safety in the area you can email cllr.mike.adams@nottscc.gov.uk
It’s about TIME ALL the pedestrian crossings in netherfield were looked at been saying this for years it’s a nightmare using them it has to take a accident for the council to assess them a fatality is only round the corner
Another councillor jumps on the band wagon what will happen Jack shite
I agree cars Race through netho especially near the railway crossing.