Friday, February 14, 2025
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Council offers £1,000 reward to help catch arsonists who torched Arnold play park


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Gedling Borough Council is offering a £1000 reward to anyone who can provide information that leads to prosecution following an arson attack at a play area in Arnold.

Equipment at the King George V Recreation Ground on Hallams Lane was set alight at around 1.30am on Thursday, September 8, causing £30,000 worth of damage.

Nottinghamshire Police are working alongside Gedling Borough Council, who’ve put forward the reward money.

Inspector Steven O’Neil said: “This appears to be an act of needless vandalism on facilities designed for children.

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“Together with Gedling Borough Council, we have been out in the locality – making enquiries and scouring CCTV.

“I am saddened that someone would have done this deliberately at the cost of children who enjoy playing on these facilities so we want to do everything we can to find those responsible.”

Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor John Clarke said: “We are appalled by this senseless act and the amount of reward we are offering reflects how seriously we are taking this matter.

“We ask that anyone who may have seen something, no matter how trivial it may seem, to get in touch with the Police and help us catch whoever did this.”

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If anyone has any information that could help, please contact 101 quoting incident 30 of 8 September 2016.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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