Bus routes across the borough are to upgraded following a cash boost from Nottinghamshire County Council.
The Authority this week announced it will spend £297,000 on improving bus networks on roads in Colwick, Carlton, Gedling and Netherfield under the banner of the Southern Growth Corridor.
These improvements are part of the wider A612 Daleside Road Improvement Scheme, funded through the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership (D2N2) which is providing £6.1m for bus priority measures.
The council’s Communities and Place Committee has carefully considered objections received and will press ahead with the improvements in the new year.
A major purpose of the works is to encourage more people to use the bus by improving service reliability and journey times, and boosting sustainable travel.
The county council, working with Via East Midlands, has already upgraded the three way traffic signal junction at Daleside Road and Vale Road, making the area safer for pedestrians.
Improvements in Gedling will see changes to 26 bus stops at Colwick, Carlton, Gedling and Netherfield, with 21 bus stop clearways, six new bus shelters and 11 new raised kerbs.
Alongside these improvements to bus stops, are plans for an 80m ‘bus only’ lane along Vale Road on the westbound approach to the junction with Colwick Loop Road towards the city, to be in operation weekdays between 7.30am and 9.30am. Also for the introduction of double yellow lines on the north side of Vale Road and around junctions along the route.
Councillor John Cottee, Committee Chairman for Communities and Place, at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “The county council has listened to objections raised. The new bus only lane will be introduced within existing road widths without compromising existing traffic capacity.
“The improvements will complement the overall scheme and will help cut journey times along the A612 corridor by up to three minutes, while also improving accessibility and facilities at individual bus stops.”
The restrictions aim to strike a reasonable balance between maintaining the safe operation of highways, recognising the demand for on-street parking and the wider objectives to improve the bus corridor.
There was one recommendation to reduce the times of operation of the bus stop clearway at bus stop GE206 on Main Road which was approved.
The overall A612 Daleside Road Improvement Scheme includes work which is being led by the city council along the Colwick Loop Road.
I am a user of the 44 service. Have to say I have NEVER used such a bad service. I have only complained once in my life about something n the service on the 44 is it. They always trot out the level crossings excuse. However, I don’t feel this is valid. Sad as I am I have timed the delay as I sit there n it averages out to less than 1.5 minutes which is not commensurate with the delays experienced. I think it’s just an excuse for a poor service provided. Absolutely no point in having a timetable for the 44 as they just seem to run whenever….. Have caught buses in rural China, India, Tibet n South America that were more timeously run….. K x