Sunday, February 9, 2025
4.8 C

Your chance to quiz Gedling Borough Council leader


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Do you have a burning question you’ve been itching to put to Gedling Borough Council bosses?

Whether it’s about council tax, bin collections, parking charges or our green spaces, now’s your chance.

Next week, Gedling Eye will be taking your questions and putting them to Gedling Borough Council leader John Clark face-to-face at the authority’s HQ in Arnold.

What do you think the council do well? What could they do better? Here’s your chance to let him know.

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We’ll then be publishing Cllr Clark’s responses on Gedling Eye.

If you have a have a question for teh coucnil leader, then post it in the comments section below.

You can also email it to us at , post it on our Facebook page or tweet us @gedlingeye

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  1. Does anyone check the pavement areas in the Gedling area to see if they can be used safely.
    Walking down from Carlton Hill towards Carlton square requires walking into the road in places to get past the vegitation.

  2. I would like to know if there are any plans to build single level properties for disabled people and their families? At the moment all bungalows in Gedling BC seem to just be for over 60’s. I can not have my house adapted for myself as it is a family home, Yet i can not find a suitable property for me being disabled but under 60 years of age.

  3. Mrs. Gill T – 4 October 2017
    Is it at all possible for the playpark grass areas to have more frequent cuts, and to also cut the slopes (they used to do this until recently). Children run ALL OVER the grass areas, and where the grass is left to go wild, it is virtually impossible to see if there are any dog messes left there – this could prove unhealthy for ANYBODY going into these ‘wild’ unmanaged areas. Apart from the fact that it makes the area look un-cared for !

  4. Before winter arrives, is it possible to install a ‘grit bin’ between the junction of Phoenix/St. Michaels Ave, and junction of St.Marys/St. Michaels Ave. so that anybody in this area can spade grit onto icey roads on the slopes here ? As the road gritter lorries seem to miss this area now, it makes these sloping junctions very difficult for vehicles to get up, and is open to accidents !

  5. Could you explain why you are pushing through the sale of most of Haywood Road Green to a developer, in spite of the huge public backlash and against your own policy document which states Porchester is in dire need of public green space. Is it to fund your big election based capital projects such as the overspend on Gedling Country Park and Arnold Market purchase and refurbishment?

  6. Why is Gedling so keen to sell the only green space in Porchester Gardens? Which is more important- a green space forever or a couple of bin lorries?

  7. My question is regarding the sale of the Haywood Road Green. I fully understand there have been massive budget cuts by the Tory party and there is a need for housing, however please explain how there is plenty of money to buy Arnold Market, refurbish Eagle Square, build a visitor centre at Gedling Country Park, NOT sell Onchan Bowling Green and goodness knows whatever else, but an absolute financial necessity to sell the ONLY green space in Mapperley against the findings of your own council’s research and reports? Also, there are 1,100 houses being built less than a mile away (which will put a massive strain on Mapperley’s infrastructure) is it your plan that Mapperley alone should to take on the 2,000 odd houses needed for the WHOLE of Gedling? Are there no other brownfield sites in Gedling? Or is a quick buck and a complete and utter disregard of the community’s feelings and wellbeing more important?

    • Calverton is also an easy touch for Gedling BC. We are to have over 700 new homes and the GBC planning dept. want an even greater number by allowing more to be erected on an area of green belt land that is particularly attractive.
      I don’t think there is a real need for so much additional housing. After a lot of local opposition (the Parish Council and many members of the public) Gedling pushed through planning consent for over 70 homes on a greenbelt site close to the centre of the village. The local developer moved in, laid out a new road and almost a year on, no new homes, just a fenced-off site.
      As in Mapperley, infrastructure seems to be just a word. I believe that GBC find it easy to allow builders to do more-or-less what they want, but can’t be bothered [because it’s too difficult?] to put pressure on them to provide badly needed infrastructure projects that are essential in the development areas.
      Also, where building is to take place, the style of homes need to fit in and be complementary to the locality. Make the architects earn their money. Designs need to be sympathetic to the local area, but all we get is run-of-the-mill, bland estates repeated over and over again. What will future generations think of us?

  8. I also would like an answer as to why the sale of most of Haywood Road Green to a developer is set to go ahead in spite of the Council’s policy document stating that Porchester is in dire need of public green space. The number of houses that could be built on the green will not solve the housing problem, and this space is far more valuable as a green space for use by the local community.

  9. The sale of the Haywood Road site will net a negligible amount of money in the great scheme of things. Please leave it as a community asset.


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