Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Police fine 11 people in Gedling borough on first day of lockdown – including group gathered around bench at night in Carlton


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Eleven people have been fined across an area of Gedling borough on the first day of lockdown as police crackdown on those flouting the rules.

Six adults who claimed they’d been exercising but were found gathered around a bench in the pitch black were issued with £200 fines.

Officers found the group after following up reports of a bonfire party and fireworks on the Valley Road Recreation Ground in Carlton lat night (November 5).

There was no such event when the officers arrived, shortly before 7pm, but they found a group of six people around a bench who tried to claim they had been playing basketball.

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They were each given fines – for gathering outside in a group of more than two people – and were dispersed.

Eleven people have been fined after being caught flouting the lockdown rules by police

Another report last night saw three people handed fines after seven people from three different households were found inside an address in Gedling celebrating a birthday.

Inspector Chris Pearson, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “We don’t like stopping people having fun and the last thing officers would want to be doing is breaking up a family gathering but the rules are in place to protect our communities.

“While some may not agree with the current legislation, the majority abide by it and have had to make sacrifices to do so.

“We all have a level of personal responsibility in stopping the rise in Coronavirus cases. Most people understand the gravity of the situation and that we all have our part to play to avoid the spread of this deadly virus but a minority of the public have still chosen to put others at risk through their behaviour.

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“We are continuing with our approach to engage, explain and encourage people to follow the new regulations before using enforcement as a final tactic.

“I want to reassure people that those who continue to put others at risk will be challenged and we will take positive enforcement action against those who knowingly and deliberately disregard the rules.”

A third report last night in the Gedling south area resulted in two adults being fined after reports of a gathering of people at a property in Carlton.

Spotted something? Got a story? Email our newsdesk news@gedlingeye.co.uk

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