Police seized a quantity of drugs, cash and a knuckle duster after stopping and searching a vehicle in Carlton.
Officers from Operation Reacher were on patrol around Carlton and Netherfield on Easter Sunday (April 12) when the vehicle caught their attention.
It was stopped and searched on Allwood Drive in Carlton.
A spokesman for Nottinghamshire Police said: “Whilst patrolling the Netherfield and Carlton area, a vehicle caught the team’s attention and they observed the driver make a few unusual moves. The vehicle was eventually stopped on Allwood Drive, Carlton, where the team noticed an all too recognisable smell coming from the car.
“A search of the vehicle and the two occupants recovered a few goodies in a bag. Unfortunately these weren’t the bag of mini eggs that the officers were hoping for, but instead a quantity of both class A and class B drugs, along with a large amount of cash. Also located was a knuckle duster.
“Following the arrests, their addresses were searched and further quantities of drugs and weapons were seized.
“Two arrests were made for supplying drugs and possessing unlawful weapons.”