Carlton‘s Elwes Arms is still seeking a new landlord – but its doors remain open while the search continues.
Owners The Stonegate Group are hoping to find a new operator for the popular boozer on Oakdale Road ‘as soon as possible’.
The pub was previously crowned as Gedling borough’s ‘Best Bar None’ award winner back in 2017.

The pub operator said it’s looking for an experienced couple or publican ‘who have strong food skills to continue the quality food offer whilst keeping this beautiful pub at the heart of the community’.
Details on the Stonegate Group website lists The Elwes as having a guide rent of £38,000 p.a., potential turnover of £444,000 and requiring capital start-up funding of approx. £14,000.
The Regional Manager describes the pub as being renowned for its fantastic food, specifically the previous carvery food offer, and said it would be ideal for an experienced couple with preferably one chef.

The pub has a large garden and children’s play area which is complemented with additional patio seating areas and a large car park.
The layout of the pub is set up as two separate bars and a restaurant area. However, one of the bars is available to become a function room and typically gets extensive booking, providing extra takings for the publican.
Further details regarding The Elwes can be found HERE