Two Calverton parks could receive a combined £60,000 in funding to bring forward improvements like new equipment, bins and fencing.
Calverton Parish Council has requested the cash from Gedling Borough Council to improve James Seely Park and William Lee Park.
The cash would come from Section 106 contributions – which is to money provided by developers to local councils through the planning process – to improve facilities and give back to a community’s infrastructure.
The money from these contributions regularly funds improvements to open spaces, as well as other community elements like roads, schools or GP practices.
Papers say Gedling Borough Council holds more than £60,000 for Calverton, with slightly less than £50,000 from a previous development in 2020 and £13,000 from a car park development in 2021.
The Parish council wants to use this cash to help fund the provision and installation of new play equipment, bins, benches, re-surfacing, the repainting of fencing and other works at the two parks.
Currently, the total cost of these proposed works has been quoted at about £233,000.
In a report published by Gedling Borough Council today (September 24), the authority says it doesn’t currently have any alternative projects that the two sums of money could go towards.
From this, it has proposed the money should be transferred to the Parish Council to make the park improvements.
Part of the Section 106 agreement requires that if contributions are not spent in a timely manner, then they have to be paid back to the original developer.
This decision by the Borough Council to transfer funding to the Parish Council has been recommended to be approved but is still subject to determination by the authority.