Residents have been called upon to voice their opinion on a new neighbourhood plan set to shape the future of Calverton.
Neighbourhood plans aim to give local people more say and influence about what goes on in their area.
Now villagers are to decide if the Neighbourhood Plan for Calverton is to be used when making decisions about future development in the village.
The referendum will be held in the village on Thursday, November 30, 2017. People can vote will between 7am and 10pm, either at the Methodist Church on Collyer Road or the Parish Council Room on Main Street depending where voters live in the village.
Residents will be asked to decide on this question”Do you want Gedling Borough Council (GBC) to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Calverton to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
If the majority votes “YES” then it would mean that local opinion about planning and the nature of development would require additional consideration and more of the money (Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) paid by developers for building in the village would be available to fund local amenities.
If the Plan is rejected, CIL money could be used by GBC for schemes in other parts of the borough rather than in Calverton.