Sunday, February 16, 2025
2.9 C

Arnold salon’s charity hair and beauty sessions raise over £700 for Childline


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Staff at a salon in Arnold gave up part of their weekend to offer hair and beauty sessions to raise cash for a children’s charity.

The 10-strong team from KH Hair in Arnold held the event to support the NSPCC’s Childline appeal.

They opened up the salon last Sunday (2) for a pampering session offering complimentary hairstyling and beauty treatments in return for a minimum donation of £10.

In just three hours, the team raised £780, which has now been handed to the charity.

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Salon Director, Dawn Bramhall, said: “It was a wonderful day and I’m so proud of the whole team.

“Everyone of them gave up their Sunday and provided a truly amazing pampering experience which our clients loved.

“It was great to see them use their skills to deliver an exemplary in-salon service and my thanks go to them and to our lovely clients who donated so generously to such a worthy charity.”

Childline is a free 24-hour counselling service for children and young people up to their 19th birthday in the United Kingdom provided by the NSPCC.

Childline deals with any issue which causes distress or concern, common issues dealt with include child abuse, bullying, mental illness, parental separation or divorce, pregnancy and substance misuse.

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KH Hair salons across the Midlands have been raising money for Childline and recently handed over the 2016 total of £5,055 to the charity.

Claire Campbell, Community Fundraising Manager at the NSPCC, said: “KH Hair continue to be passionate and creative fundraisers, making a huge difference to children and the money they have raised this year across their salons is testament to their real commitment to helping young people.

“At the moment Childline is contacted by a child every 25 seconds and we can only answer three in every four calls.

“With it costing £4 for a child to contact Childline, KH Hair’s support allows hundreds more children to receive the help they so vitally need.”

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