Sunday, February 16, 2025
1.7 C

Reduction in crime at Redhill park thanks to new state of the art CCTV camera

Funding for the camera, which cost £14,000, was provided by the Government’s Shared Prosperity Funding.


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A new CCTV camera has been installed on St Mary’s Recreation Ground, Redhill to help tackle anti-social behaviour and reduce crime. 

The camera provides high-quality images to the council’s CCTV control room and will be used to assist the police with investigations, as well as aiding the council’s Community Safety Team and Neighbourhood Wardens in tackling anti-social behaviour.

Funding for the camera, which cost £14,000, was provided by the Government’s Shared Prosperity Funding. The funding was specifically allocated to support the council in addressing issues such as neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour.

St Mary’s Recreation Ground had seen a spate of anti-social behaviour incidents take place. Since the recent installation of the camera, it has been used on several occasions to detect crime and assist the police with investigations including anti-social behaviour, violent crime and fly-tipping incidents.

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Since February 2023, in the borough, there have been 90 incidents recorded by the CCTV controlroom where CCTV was used to prevent and detect crime, including assaults, a number of public disorder incidents, shoplifting, drug use and dealing and to support Nottinghamshire Police with arrests. In addition, CCTV evidence was used to assist in finding several missing people, and the cameras were used in 233 incidents where enforcement officers reviewed images.

Portfolio Holder for Public Protection, Councillor David Ellis said: “It’s vital that our residents feel safe where they live, and that’s why we’re doing everything we can to help protect and support local communities across the borough. 

This new CCTV camera in the Redhill area will help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and will be a valuable tool to help us keep our borough safe. We know that these cameras work, they reduce crime, they help find missing people and they act as a great deterrent.

I’d like to thank the Government for the contribution towards the camera as part of the Shared Prosperity Funding.”

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