Tuesday, January 21, 2025
4.8 C

PLANNING: New retirement living apartments proposed for Daybrook

51 units are proposed for development on the site of the former Daybrook Laundry.


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A planning application has been received by Gedling Borough Council for the proposed redevelopment of land situated at the end of Sir John Robinson Way off Mansfield Rd (A60) to the rear of the Premier Inn.

The application has been received from Jamie Pert of Planning Potential, Harrogate acting as agent on behalf of McCarthy Stone Retirement Lifestyle Ltd.

The application describes the proposed works as ‘Full planning permission for the erection of a 51 no. apartment retirement living development (Use Class C3), landscaping, car parking and all associated works’

A Design and Access statement (DAS) has been provided in support of the planning application in Daybrook for a Retirement Living Development for residents aged 60 and above. The applicant is McCarthy Stone who are retirement accommodation providers.

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Pictured: Proposed site plan as per planning documents (Bright Space Architects)

The DAS states that the proposed development is immediately adjacent to the Aldi Superstore to the South; to the East neighbours Premier Inn Nottingham North; to the West a tall bank separates the site from a residential development of semi-detached houses along Browning Close. To the North there are a number of commercial units including Wickes builder merchant, smaller B2 & B8 units along Salop Street and Daybrook medical centre.

Pictured: Aerial plan View as per planning application (Bright Space Architecture). 1. Aldi Supermarket 2. Premier Inn Hotel 3. St.Paul’s Church 4. Sit John Robinson’s Almhouses 5. The Home brewery 6. Playing Fields 7. Greene King Public House

The planning application advises that there are 51 flats / maisonettes proposed for market housing consisting of 36 one bedroom and 15 two bedroom units.

There are 18 parking spaces proposed, seven spaces for mobility scooters and two disability spaces proposed.

Full planning details can be accessed on Planning Application No.2023/0701 HERE.

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  1. That will be great for Daybrook as long as it doesn’t get turned into flats that accommodate riff raff.


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