Saturday, February 8, 2025
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Gedling Borough Council’s Civic Centre in Arnold is lit up blue to honour NHS workers


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Gedling Borough Council paid a touching tribute to NHS workers fighting coronavirus as the nation took to their doorsteps to clap for our carers once again on Thursday night (April 17).

The Civic Centre in Arnold was lit up blue to coincide with Clap for our Carers, a social media campaign encouraging people to stand on their doorstep or by an open window and clap at 8pm each Thursday, to let the country’s NHS staff and social workers know how much they are appreciated.

PICTURED: Civic Centre in Arnot Hill Park turns blue (IMAGE: GBC)
PICTURED: The Richard Herrod Centre was lit up blue in tribute to NHS heroes last week (IMAGE: GBC)

Deputy leader of Gedling Borough Council, Michael Payne said: “We lit Gedling Borough Council’s Civic Centre blue to say thank you to our NHS, carers & key workers. You’re the best of Britain; you’re the best of human nature; you’re all heroes. We salute you”

Last week the council carried out a similar gesture at the Richard Herrod Centre in Carlton.

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The leisure centre was chosen as the first location to turn blue as it’s now houses the borough’s humanitarian centre which is distributing food to the vulnerable and needed during the UK lockdown.

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