A resident in Arnold has taken to social media and mocked a council after they carried out what he described as ‘truly awful’ repair work to a street blighted by potholes.
James Street was recently resurfaced and repaired by Nottinghamshire County Council, but their efforts weren’t appreciated by one resident who quickly slammed their efforts on Twitter.
In a tweet over the weekend @Russiankareoke wrote: “Congratulations on the truly awful job done resurfacing James Street in Arnold’ and posted a photo of the job.
He had attributed the work to Gedling Borough Council, but they were quick to point out that the work had been carried out by their county counterparts who are responsible for all roads in Notts.
Nottinghamshire County Council swiftly responded after the criticism online.
A spokesman for their Highways Departments said: “The carriageway has been micro surfaced, which is a protective seal coat which extends the life of pavement.
“It is a thin, tough layer of asphalt emulsion blended with finely crushed stone for traction.
“This is a cost-effective method to renew the road surface and seal minor cracks and other irregularities.”
Part of the problem with re-dressing the road rather than taking up the top surface and re-laying entirely, is that the new surface levels up to almost level with the top of the kerb, rather than maintaining a proper gutter drainage channel. It’s far more likely to have large puddles on the pedestrian area, and rise up to doorsteps. It’s also too soft a surface when not protected during the first 48 hours of curing, which means there are already problems with the surface chunking where people dry-steer to turn their cars around (it’s not a thru-road so residents have no choice, and it’s popular with the school run parents, so hundreds of 3 point turns each day on an inadequately cured surface).
This is good compared to Beck Street in Carlton. Never in all my life have I seen such an appalling job as this. If this is what its come down to and the quality of road laying the NCC highways should hold their heads in shame and the lot of them should be sacked. Its simply wasting money. Dont take my word for it, drive down it slowly. Try and spot the drains that are now 2/3 covered. Tarmac above the kerbs. Its simply gobsmackingly bad. I despair at how they are just wasting money on crap shoddy jobs..incompetancy doesnt even come close. Shame on you NCC, shame on you.