Saturday, February 8, 2025
2.4 C

Arnold man gets the chop for cancer cause


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A man from Arnold has braved the snip and had his long locks lopped off to benefit a children’s cancer charity.

David Sayles had his waist-length hair cut short and then donated it to the Little Princess charity – which makes wigs from real hair and offers them out to children with cancer or alopecia for free.

The 23-year-old was persuaded by his dad to go along to the local KH Hair salon on High Street where he said goodbye to his long hair once and for all.

“I honestly can’t remember the last time I had my hair cut.” he says.

“To be honest, I just couldn’t be bothered, but I got up one morning and decided I was sick of it.  I’d heard of the charity so I thought it was a great opportunity to help.”

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CUT ABOVE: David in the barber’s chair
PICTURED: David before, left, and after, right

“I know this didn’t require any major commitment or training, unlike some other charity endeavours, but I’ve been attached to my long hair for a very long time so it was a bit of a shock to look in the mirror afterwards.

He added: “I’m really glad I did it and very grateful to the team at KH Hair who made me feel really comfortable and relaxed. The reaction from my friends and family has been very positive – once they eventually recognised me.”

David says he was so impressed with his new haircut, he has promised to become a model for the salon’s future trainees.

Salon director, Dawn Bramhall says: “David was so brave and we’re really proud of him.  He looks completely different.  We’re really glad his Dad persuaded him to come along.  Little Princess Trust is a wonderful charity that we have supported for a number of years and we were very happy to help.”

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