Many of our regular readers will know Bob Massey, a well-respected and published local historian that brings history to life with his regular talks around the borough.
What you may not know is that Bob has been working with computers since the 1980s and is a qualified further education tutor in the subject. In fact before he retired Bob taught computer subjects as well as history at colleges and with the WEA (Workers’ Educational Association).
As well as the standard computer classes three of Bob’s classes for the WEA were in computer maintenance. When Bob retired and no one took over his classes at the WEA several of the students wanted to continue so Bob started a computer club with these students, some of which are still members while others have joined over the years.
The club has been running for a number of years and the aim of the group is for students to look at computer problems they have and fix them, such as slow running machines, upgrades, downloads, different software, etc.
Students often bring in machines which they have acquired or bring their own to work on, but there are also machines owned by the group.
Bob said: “Anyone with problems with their computer or just to want to learn more is welcome, just pop in and see what we are doing.
“Some people come for a while and others stay for a long time, they often get hooked.”
The group is a club and not for profit and charges just enough to pay for the hire of the community centre.
The club works over ten / twelve week blocks to fit into term times as some students have children or grandchildren to look after in the holidays.
The club restarts on January 17 at Eagles Nest Community Centre, Arnold. £3.50 per person. The club runs from 10.00am to 12.30pm and no experience is needed.
Bob Massey can be contacted on
Hi Bob
I have just read about your computer club and wondered was it just maintenance or is it about setting up a new computer, adding apps and links, cleaning all the rubbish that accumulates and generally working with a computer.
I have worked on computers but not reslly the installing of programmes etc.
I am retired so the time slot would be fine but I didnt want to get in over my head
Thought I would ask first
Look forward to hearing from you
Tried contacting you but maildeamon rejected my message
Ros Fretwell.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Same here my email bounced back
Hi Bob
I used to support in class for the WEA for 5 years. I can’t remember how long ago as I have had brain surgery and now have poor memory. I would like to re learn IT as not up to date with all the stuff nowadays. Mainly I’m interested in what to do more with iPad and iPhone. Of course re learn a lot of computer stuff. I did always solve problems when they appeared on the lap tops but I think I have lost a lot of knowledge. I did get the ECDL qualification. When I was there I worked with Trish Jones and a guy called Mike was the area manager I think?
Suzanne Briant
Sent from my iPhone
the email address given above is wrong it should be