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Apology made for over-40s vaccination offer error


A leading Nottingham health official has apologised over an error that was made offering vaccinations to over 40s. 

On Monday, March 8, it was announced that residents 40 and over would be the latest cohort to be offered the jab. 

A press release and a tweet – that was up for at least six hours – claimed that appointments were now going to be made for the group. 

The decision was reversed a few hours later over a perceived lack of priority for more vulnerable groups, such as the over 50’s. 

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Amanda Sullivan, Newark and Sherwood CCG, faced questions about the error during a press briefing on Friday. 

She said: “We had intended to release a number of cohorts on the understanding that that would be line with the overall direction of travel nationally. 

“We weren’t able to continue with that and we very quickly had to come in line with the national approach and it’s right that we should do that so that there is a fair prioritisation of people going forward. 

“There was a lot of demand as well. 

Richard Herrod Centre
PICTURED: The Richard Herrod Centre in Carlton is being used to vaccinate people in Gedling borough.(PHOTO: Gedling Eye)

“This is a very fast moving and complex programme and things do change very quickly. 

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“I understand and apologies for the error on Monday.” 

At Fridays Coronavirus press briefing, there were also warnings that areas like Gedling still had work to do to ensure Nottingham’s Covid rates fell in line with the England average.  

Jonathan Gribbin, Director of Public Health for Nottinghamshire County Council, spoke about the slow rates of decline in the area. 

He said: “Case rates are still edging in the right direction and that’s a cause for hope.  

“But they are edging rather than racing downwards at the steep decline that we would like to see. 

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“In fact, the rate of decline has slowed up a bit over the last week and in one or two places in Nottinghamshire it has actually increased over the last few days.  

“The England average currently stands at 58.3 p 100000 in notts county the rate is 79.1. 

“We have got a picture where we find lots of signs of hope and encouragement, but also where there is still plenty of challenge.” 

Having answered questions about the over 40’s blunder, officials were unable to comment on exactly when the group would be next in line to receive the vaccine. 

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