Saturday, February 8, 2025
4 C

Anger after huge construction vehicles were spotted using narrow village roads to leave Gedling Access Road development


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A construction firm has apologised for sending large vehicles down narrow village roads in Gedling.

Residents in Gedling village have voiced their anger after HGVs and large construction vehicles were spotted using Shearing Hill and Arnold Lane last week to gain access to the Gedling Access Road (GAR) site near the village.

Locals said the vehicles are having a ‘devastating impact’ on the local community.

Geoffrey Pope, 77, lives in the village and said the narrow roads can’t cope with this kind of traffic

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He said: “I was under the impression the firm working on the road wouldn’t be using our village roads to access the site. It’s just not on.

“The roads simply can’t cope with these huge vehicles. They weren’t built for that. I worry some pedestrian is going to get hurt as it gets very narrow. They need to stop now. It’s having a huge impact on the village.”

Village resident Francis Rodrigues said that recent activity proves how much the Gedling Access Road is needed.

IMAGE: Francis Rodrigues
IMAGE: Francis Rodrigues

He said: “These huge vehicles demonstrate how much the GAR is needed when you see them on Shearing Hill– which is so narrow in parts including the pavements.

“Over 25,000 cars and lorries use this route now, of which 2,000 of these are HGVs.

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The GAR will be a purpose built road designed to carry the volume of traffic we have today regardless of COVID-19.

“We have waited over 70 years for this relief road. Residents in Gedling Village will see a massive change in September 2021 when it opens.

At a stroke, all the HGVs & 70% of the other traffic commuting to and from the east and south of Nottingham to the north and west and the M1 motorway will be moved to the GAR (A612). The old route will be declassified and a weight restriction imposed on the old sections on Shearing Hill, Main Road and Arnold Lane.”

Councillor Jenny Hollingsworth contacted the site development team about the claims.

She told residents: “It has been confirmed that the low loaders were related to the GAR construction.

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“They were moved off site following the completion of the first and largest phase of earthworks on the project.

“The project manager has apologised for any concern and inconvenience this caused. He will work with the contractor to ascertain when other large vehicle movements will occur, will share any communications and check that the routes are in accordance with agreed parameters.

“He advised that all movements were completed yesterday and will not impact on the return to school.”

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  1. I work in the construction industry and all large plant movements are directed by the police and highways. They issue the route to the hauliers in a form of a movement order. The hauliers have to follow the given route or face prosecution. I can see why the residents are not happy with the big machines passing through Gedling but the law is tha law.

  2. All large plant movements are controlled by a movement order that is issued by the highways and police. I can see why the residents are unhappy but if the haulier diverts away from the movement order he would get prosecuted.
    So this company has not done anything wrong they have just followed instructions given to them by the law.

  3. I thought operators of large goods gave the police their movement order not the other way round. That way any damage caused can be traced back.


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