Around 40 residents attended a meeting last week to have their say on the fate of a building that used to house a popular youth club.
The meeting was called last week to discuss future uses for the old Gedling Youth Centre building in Gedling village.
Attendees suggested using the site as a future tram station if a line was put through Gedling, and also selling the building to raise cash for existing youth groups in the area.
A steering group has now been set up to investigate all possible options and will meet again at the beginning of June.
A Facebook site and a mailing list may also be set up to keep local people informed about the possible uses for the site.
Rick Wilson, who helped organise the meeting, said: “We will be holding a further public consultation when all options have been formalised.
“Anyone who wishes to receive a note of the comments made at the meeting can contact me via email”
You can email Rick at richard.wilson@ntlworld.com