Our readers from across the borough give their weekly take on the biggest issues impacting Gedling and beyond.
Some letters refer to past correspondence which can be found by clicking here. Join the debate by emailing letters@gedlingeye.co.uk and put ‘Letters’ in the subject line. You can also use the form below.
Names and addresses will be witheld by request but must be included on the email.
Roadwork nightmare continues for Netherfield residents
Who arranged the recent roadworks in Netherfield? Frank Spencer?
Nobody deems to know what is going on. Buses were to divert and then didn’t. Victoria Road was meant to shut between the gym and up to the car garage – and this hasn’t happened.
Instead one section is closed and cars are cheating the diversions by using the pedestrian area by the Co-op – and travelling at high speeds. Someone is going to get killed!
Notts County Council has no love for Netherfield. We have two dangerous crossings that are a death trap and the craziest set of roadworks. I see this hell going on for months!
They wouldn’t let something like this happen in posh Burton Joyce or Mapperley! – It only seems the poorer areas suffer!
M Latham,
MP is jumping on bandwagons to avoid being ousted
It is somewhat ironic that Tom Randall MP can find time to come to Burton Joyce and stand in front of the Old School Building for a politically motivated photo-shoot, but cannot find the time to meet the parish council, nor attend an open public meeting at which almost 200 people attended.
Sitting in an extremely marginal seat, he recognises that he will be ousted next year and is seeking any bandwagon to jump on.
D. W. Yates,
Address withheld by request
Sad and slow death of the high street
How sad it is to see Wilkos going out of business
Wilkos has been around as far back as I remember.
I enjoyed visiting the store in Carlton Square and would also pop into the Arnold store when visiting the town. I always bought something.
I blame stiff competition from Poundland, B&M, and Amazon who I hold responsible for the demise of Wilkos.
We are slowly seeing the death of the high street I grew up with.
The days of going ‘up town’ to do some shopping are surely numbered.
Clive Vickery,
Error: Contact form not found.
Should have made it one way years ago that’s was the idea of the loop road
DW Yates – who I presume from his interest in Burton Joyce affairs is a resident of the village – is right to say that I was unable to attend a 200-strong public meeting in the village. But that was only because Parliament was sitting that day. His letter misses the work that I have done with the Parish Council and in Burton Joyce more widely over recent years, including: improving the rail crossing at the Nelson Pub, flood prevention and providing grant information to improve the village centre, to requesting a more frequent train service with East Midlands Rail and Ministers, which included facilitating a meeting between East Midlands Railway and parish council members. I have also supported the parish council’s Christmas lights events and volunteered at the parish council’s fireworks party.
The issue that DW Yates refers to is whether or not to build a new medical centre in the heart of Burton Joyce. DW Yates calls this a ‘bandwagon’. I would call it a potential £5million investment – perhaps the biggest one-off piece of public investment in Burton Joyce for a generation – that deserves to be taken seriously and the people of Burton Joyce deserve their say on the merits of the idea. I make no apology for speaking about the idea, indeed I think it’s what most people in Burton Joyce would expect their Member of Parliament to be doing.
Tom Randall MP