Our readers from across the borough give their weekly take on the biggest issues impacting Gedling and beyond.
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Some letters refer to past correspondence which can be found by clicking HERE
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I will be backing bid to ban chimney smoke across borough
I welcome the council’s consultation on a borough wide chimney smoke ban and I for one will be saying they should put a stop to this outdated method of keeping warm.
We have been using firer to keep warm since cavemen days and I think we now need to look at green energy and get rid of this toxic smoke that is destroying our planet.
But as usual, all the comments are from small-term ‘as long as I’m alright Jack’ thinkers who only care about keeping themselves warm this winter and couldn’t give a fig about the children of the future who will have to choke on smoke deposits from the past.
Let us hope this ban is now put in place.
Name and address supplied
Action needed to slow down Burton Road
Something needs to be done about the speeding on Burton Road from Park’s Corner.
The hairdresser’s on the road is still boarded up after it was hit by a car six months ago an a car went through a fence opposite Apollo’s chip shop while children were playing in their own garden.
We need to have a flashing ‘SLOW DOWN’ sign for cars going at speed around the corner. Other roads in the borough have one. Why are we always the last area to get anything.
Mrs Patricia Wilson,
Stop knocking pensioners who have paid their dues
My letter is in response to that of Ron Lim Carlton. I wonder why he is so scathing of pensioners?
To suggest they are all spending their winter fuel payments “ down the pub and laughing” and not willing to help their country in times of need is very indicative of the media’s attempt to pitch the “young” against the “pensioners”. These are the people that have paid their taxes and national insurance and their dues all their working life, many for over forty years and many still paying tax on their pensions because they have an income just over the single person’s threshold. To suggest they are all laughing all the way to the bank is extremely insulting.
These are the people who spent their lives in heavy industry, in dirty manufacturing and down the pit not sitting in clean offices working in IT, shop retail or online influencers from home.
Some pensioners go to the pub to keep warm because it’s cheaper to buy a few pints than heat a house.
I think it’s about time we stopped knocking pensioners and give them a break.
Janet Wharmby
via email
Water company bosses ‘ a disgrace’
It’s good to see that some of our water companies are facing significant fines for dumping sewage into our water systems.
The only problem is that these companies recoup these fines by raising their prices, which they only have to do by a fairly small amount and that’s it. Job done, paid for by gullible public yet again, the money back in their account and nobody any wiser.
The company bosses are still in their ivory towers on obscene wages, dividends and bonus payments, laughing all the way to the bank, clapping each other on the back and saying ‘we’ve got away with it again’.
These are the people who should pay the price for incompetence. Take the money off them – they are a disgrace. We the public need to see action, not words.
T Reynolds,