If you, or someone you know, is in need of mental health support over the festive period, help is always available.
Across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, there is a wide range of services which can help should you need crisis support or advice about your mental wellbeing.
“The festive season can be a difficult time and can add extra pressures which affect our mental health in a variety of different ways,” said Maxine Bunn, System Delivery Director for Mental Health and Children, at Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board.
“It is important to remember you are not alone. A wide range of support and services are available across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire which do not require a GP referral.
“Please pick up the phone, visit the websites listed or seek other support when you need it.”
If you, or someone you know is in a mental crisis help is available from:
- Crisis Line 0808 196 3779
- Crisis Sanctuaries across Nottinghamshire on 0330 822 4100 or visit www.nottinghamshirecrisissanctuaries.tv
- or Text NOTTS to 85258.
For feelings of depression, anxiety or stress, contact Talking Therapies on 0333 188 1060 or visit www.notts-talk.co.uk
For children and young people aged up to 25, visit www.beusupport.co.uk or Nott Alone www.nottalone.org.uk
The NHS Every Mind Matters website: www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters is full of tips, guidance, and advice to help you look after your mental wellbeing.