Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Gedling Borough Council logo rated by freelance writer who reviewed every local authority symbol in the UK


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A freelance graphic designer has shared his views on UK councils’ logos in a new blog rating the emblems that represent all of the UK’s local authorities.

Robin Wilde, who is based in Seattle, Washington, gave a review of all 399 local authority logos in the UK, placing Gedling Borough Council’s branding in the top 150.

Gedling Borough Council’s logo ranked 136th

Mr Wilde ranked Gedling Borough Council‘s logo at 136th.

“If you’re going to have a crest, say it like you mean it,” he said.

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“Gedling certainly does with this impactful slab serif. Less maudlin colours, though, please.”

Nottinghamshire County Council ranked the highest of those in Notts, finishing 69th.

Mr Wilde wrote: “The large slab N and the fancier leaf device gives a nod to the county’s age (and consequently large oaks) and the Robin Hood/Sherwood Forest legacy, while also hinting at sharp edged modernity. A nice contrast.”

Ranking in the bottom 25 at 376th was Rushcliffe Borough Council’s logo, although it did raise a smile from Mr Wilde.

“We have our first bonus points for a visual pun, as the R appears to be rushing — geddit?” he wrote.

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“Unfortunately the ornate R is let down by the boring rest of the logo. Next.”

Coming in first place and crowned best local authority logo in the UK was that of Bedford Borough Council.

Mr Wilde wrote: “Ask me for a council logo that can reproduce at scale across your bin lorries and also strike fear into your enemies carried aloft on a banner into battle, and I’ll show you Bedford.

“A very strong use of pretty much every element here, this tells you the mighty Bedford is not going to let your bins go uncollected or your planning application go unprocessed — you have it on the Chief Executive’s honour.”

You can read the blog in full here:https://robin-cg.medium.com/a-totally-objective-ranking-of-every-uk-local-authority-logo-b76e8f7efd5a

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