Sunday, January 19, 2025
2.1 C

January train update from Tony Cave


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EMTGETony Cave is Gedling Eye’s local train expert and also part of the Friends of Netherfield and Carlton Station Group who campaign for improved train services at both stations.

A new timetable comes into operation at two of our stations from December 13, 2015.

Changes at Carlton are as follows:

The 16.34pm Lincoln to Leicester train now calls additionally to Carlton at 17.23pm on Monday to Fridays. It already does so on Saturdays (17.22pm).
The 14.49pm Nottingham to Newark Castle leaves Nottingham five minutes later at 14.54pm and departs Carlton at 15.02pm.

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Changes at Netherfield are as follows:

The 08.45am Nottingham to Skegness leaves five minutes earlier on Saturdays, calling at Netherfield at 0.848am. It still leaves at 08.51 Mondays to Fridays.

Passengers using Carlton Station

Numbers are steadily increasing and a record 30 joined the 08.08am Matlock train on Monday, December 19, 2015. Then on December 14 there were 18 who joined the 09.07am Matlock train. Monday, December 14 was the first day that the 17.23pm train called at carlton. One person joined and two alighted. You have to bear in mind that the 17.08pm to Matlock had arrived only 15 minutes previously and had 7 joining and 1 alighting.

More people are travelling to Carlton for work and returning home on the evening trains. However a train from Nottingham at 0.730am would improve the numbers further and there is one that goes to Netherfield at 0.742am.

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Many are appreciating these hourly rains to Carlton in the week and one person said: “I wish I had discovered these trains years ago”.

Passengers using Netherfield Station

On December 14, 2015, I saw six people waiting for the 17.50pm Skegness train, all turning home to Radcliffe and Bingham. These passengers use the train either every day or quite often. Four people got off this train which fills a gap between the 17.21pm and 18.18pm train from Nottingham to Carlton.

Robin Hood Smartcard

This card was introduced on buses and trams in Nottingham on December 14, although not all buses and train companies have signed u to the scheme. Cards can be bought and topped up in the city and suburbs. One is located at the 44 stop in Netherfield. Currently these cards cannot be used on trains.

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Fare increases

From January 2 fares will increase by just over 1%. Nottingham peak return will be £4.20 and off peak return is £2.80 from Carlton.

East Midlands Trains Franchise

A number of improvements are planned now the franchise has been extended to March 2018, not least of which is the improvement to Saturday services between Nottingham and Newark, giving Carlton the same hourly trains which we now enjoy on weekdays. This was planned for December 2016, but I have heard whispers this could start as early as May. Other improvements include extra cleaning staff on trains, easier refunds through online compensation and much, much more. Improved weekend services are to be looked at so let us hope that this includes more and earlier Sunday trains from Carlton and Netherfield.

Southwell Races

On race days some extra trains are now calling at Rolleston recently, so it’s worth checking if you are thinking of travelling to Southwell Races.

Damaged Wall

The damaged platform wall at Carlton Station is going to be repaired in January.

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