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People in Gedling borough alerted to TV Licence scam doing the rounds


POLICE are warning people in Gedling borough about a fake TV Licensing email doing the rounds.

The fake email requests payment for renewal of a resident’s television licence.

It states: “We’re sorry to let you know that the TV license could not be automatically renewed. Something’s gone wrong with your payments. Your bank has declined the latest Direct Debit payment.”

The bogus email goes on to state: “You can update your licence quickly and easily at”

There are several versions of the email currently doing the rounds. All show “TV Licencing” as a sender, but if you open the message or the sender’s email, you will find the email address is not an official one and come from addresses ending on “.jp”.

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Pauline Smith, director of Action Fraud, said: “Devious fraudsters are constantly using new tactics to trick victims into handing over their personal information, often with devastating consequences. This is particularly nasty as it looks so convincing.

PICTURED: Fake email claiming to be from TV Licensing

“We work tirelessly to stop fraudsters in their tracks and to prevent unsuspecting members of the public from falling victim to fraud. “If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, please report it us.”

In a statement, TV Licensing said: “We will never email customers, unprompted, to ask for bank details and/or your personal information, or tell you that you may be entitled to a refund.

“We encourage anyone who has provided their details as a result of a fraudulent email to contact their bank urgently and to report the email to Action Fraud.”

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